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Static Grounding Bonding Clamps for containers, drums,Pharmaceutical, Food , Chemical, oil depot
Min. Order:30 pieceUS $33.7-38.8/piece
Tags:Static Grounding Clamps, Static Bonding Clamp, Clamps for containers, Clamps for drums, Clamps for Chemical
Bonding static grounding portable device
Min. Order:30 pieceUS $23.7-26.2/piece
Tags:static grounding device, portable clamp, Bonding Grounding device, static bonding Clamp, Static Earthing Clamp with cable
Grounding & Bonding Static Earthing 316L SS big Clamp with cable
Tags:316L SS Clamp, Static Earthing 316L SS big Clamp, Bonding Earthing 316L SS big Clamp, Grounding Static 316L SS big Clamp, Earthing 316L SS big Clamp with cable
Grounding & Bonding Static Earthing 316L SS Clamp with cable
Tags:316L SS Clamp, Static Earthing 316L SS Clamp, Bonding Earthing 316L SS Clamp, Grounding Static 316L SS Clamp, Earthing 316L SS Clamp with cable
Grounding & Bonding Static Earthing Clamp with cable
Tags:Grounding & Bonding, Static Earthing Clamp, Bonding Earthing Clamp, Grounding Static Clamp, Earthing Clamp with cable
ATEX approved aviation earthing clamp with brass jaws
Min. Order:25 pieceUS $22.3-27.7/piece
Tags:aircraft Static Grounding clamps supplier, alligator clips factory, China bronze ground clamp, brass ground clamp, aviation earthing clamp
ATEX approved Aluminum Static Earthing clamps with 2 tips
Min. Order:20 pieceUS $18.5-23.1/piece
Tags:lind clamp, lind equipment, Static Earthing clamps, aluminium earth clamp, duty hard anodized cast clamp
ATEX approved Stainless Steel Static Grounding clamps with 3 tips
Min. Order:20 pieceUS $42.5-53.2/piece
Tags:Earth Connection Clamps, coating and painting, Stainless Steel Static Grounding clamps, stainless steel earth clamp, Earthing clamp supplier
ATEX approved 316L Stainless Steel Static Grounding clamps with 3 tips
Tags:Static bonding clamp, Static ground clamp, Stainless Steel clamps, Earth Connection Clamps, Static Grounding clamps with 3 tips
ATEX approved Self-testing Static bonding grounding clamp
Tags:grounding reel clamp, bonding grounding, Self testing clamp, Static bonding clamp, Static grounding clamp
ATEX approved Aluminum Static Grounding clamps with 3 tips
Min. Order:20 pieceUS $22.3-27.7/piece
Tags:bonding static grounding, Static Grounding clamps, bonding conductor, electrostatic earth clamp for chemical drums, electrostatic grounding clamps, bonding clamp
ATEX approved Aluminum static bonding and grounding clamp with 3 tips
Tags:static bonding and grounding clamp, Static Grounding clamps supplier, bonding conductor factory, electrostatic earth clamp, Anti-Static Earth Clamps
ATEX approved aircraft Static Grounding clamps
Tags:aircraft Static Grounding clamps, alligator clips, bronze ground clamp, Alligator Clamp, Aircraft Grounding Clamp
Atex Approved Aircraft Anti-Static Grounding/Earthing and Bonding Alligator Copper Clamp
Tags:Aircraft Anti-Static Grounding Alligator Clamp, Static Grounding Alligator Clamp, Static Earthing Alligator Clamp, Static Bonding Clamp, Aircraft Grounding Clamp, Static Ground Clamp
Heavy Duty 316L Stainless Steel Earth Clamps
Tags:Stainless Steel Earth Clamps, Earth Clamps, 316L Ground Clamps, Heavy Duty Grounding Clamps, 316L Earth Clamps
ATEX approved stainless steel C clamps with size from 3/4" to 1 1/2"
Min. Order:30 pieceUS $6.7-7.6/piece
Tags:grounding c clamp, U clamp, antistatic clamp, earth clamp, stainless steel C clamps, Static ground C clamp
GND-REB-2960 Grounding Clamp
Min. Order:25 pieceUS $10-14.8/piece
Tags:2960 Grounding Clamp, Grounding Clamp, 2960 clamps, GND clamp, Static Grounding Clamps, Grounding Clamp Supplier
Static grounding hand clamp
Tags:hand clamp, grounding clamp, static clamp, Static hand clamp, Corrosion-Resistant Grounding Clamp
ATEX approved 2960 Ground clamps for drums with 2 tips
Min. Order:25 pieceUS $18.5-23.1/piece
Tags:Universal Earth Clamp, Aluminum earth clamp, earthing clips, static earthing, 2960 Ground clamps for drums
Grounding Assemblies with ATEX approved clamp and spiral cable
Min. Order:30 pieceUS $29.8-33.9/piece
Tags:Grounding Assembly, spiral cable, Ground Clamp with cable, Earthing Clamp with retractable cable, Static Earthing Clamp with cable, portable grounding device
Atex Approved Intrinsically Safe Dual Core 316L Stainless Steel Anti-Static/Static Grounding/Earthing Clamp
Tags:Anti-Static Grounding Clamp, Static Earthing Clamp, Static Grounding clamp, 316L Stainless Steel clamp, Anti-Static Earthing Clamp
2 Static Grounding Clamp with 4m Orange Copper Cable
Tags:Static Grounding Clamp, coating and painting, Orange Copper Cable, portable device for coating and painting, grounding portable clamp
Pipe grounding clamps bronze clamp used on the pipe
Min. Order:50 pieceUS $7.2-8.8/piece
Tags:Pipe grounding clamps, earthing strip pipe clamp, copper grounding clamp, pipe grounding clamp, bronze grounding clamps, Pipe grounding clamps supplier
ATEX approved Static grounding &bonding clamp with 2 tips
Tags:reliable earthing clamps, Static earthing clamp, Static Earth clamp, Static grounding &bonding clamp, handcraft clamp
ATEX approved reliable static grounding clamps with 2 tips
Tags:reliable grounding clamps, Static grounding clamp, Static Earth clamp, Static bonding clamp, hand clamp
Grounding Assemblies with 2 pcs ATEX approved clamp
Min. Order:30 pieceUS $21-26.4/piece
Tags:Grounding Assembly, ATEX approved clamp, Ground Clamp with cable, Earthing Clamp with stainless steel cable, Static Earthing Clamp with cable, Grounding Assemblies and Cable
CE clamp earthing clamp stainless steel material
Tags:grounding stainless steel clamp, u clamp size from 3/4'' to 1 1/2'', antistatic clamp, earthing clamp, stainless steel C clip, C clamp supplier
Grounding Assemblies with ATEX approved SS316L clamp
Tags:Grounding Assembly, SS316L clamp, Ground Clamp with cable, Earthing Clamp with retractable cable, Static Earthing Clamp with cable
ATEX approved Stainless steel clamp in coating and painting industries
Min. Order:10 pieceUS $59.9-74.9/piece
Tags:coating and painting clamps, Stainless steel clamp, hand clamp, heavy duty clamp manufacturer, hand clamp provider
Atex Approved Static/Anti-Static Grounding/Earthing/Bonding Aluminum Clamp with Three Pins
Tags:static bonding and grounding clamp, Static Grounding clamps supplier, Anti-Static Grounding Clamp, Earthing Aluminum Clamp, Bonding Clamp manufacturer
ATEX approved Static earthing &bonding clamp with 2 tips
Tags:Static bonding clamp, Static earthing clamp, Static Earth clamp, Static grounding &bonding clamp, handcraft clamp
ATEX approved ESD Static Grounding Clamps with 2 tips
Tags:Electrostatic grounding clamps, 6085 Grounding Rod Clamp, Static grounding clamp, Static Earthing Clamps, ESD Static Grounding Clamps
ATEX approved bronze pipe clamps which can be adjested from 1" to 3"
Tags:Copper earthing clamp, earthing strip clamp, copper earth clamp, pipe clamp, bronze pipe clamps, Opening Bronze C Clamp
6085 static discharge grounding clamp for drums
Tags:6085 static discharge grounding clamp, grounding clamp for drums, 6085 static grounding clamp, Static Earthing grounding Clamps, ESD Static Grounding Clamps
ATEX approved C clamps used on flat materials China distributor
Tags:ATEX approved C clamps, c clamp size from 3/4'' to 1 1/2'', antistatic clamp, earthing clamp, stainless steel C clip, SS C clamp
Grounding Assembly with ATEX approved grounding clamp
Min. Order:30 pieceUS $30.8-35.1/piece
Tags:Grounding Assembly, grounding clamp, Ground Clamp with cable, Earthing Clamp with retractable cable, Static Earthing Clamp with cable, Cable steel clamp
Static bonding grounding clamp connected with 4m orange cable
Tags:bonding clamp, grounding clamp, Static grounding clamp, Static bonding clamp, Static bonding grounding clamp
ATEX approved China produced Stainless steel clamp with 3 tips
Tags:China produced Stainless steel clamp, grounding clamp factory, Stainless Steel Grounding clamp, heavy duty clamp provider, hand clamp manufacturer
ATEX approved SS316L Static Grounding clamps with 3 tips
Tags:Earth Connection Clamps manufacturer, coating and painting factory, SS Static Grounding clamps, stainless steel ground clamp, China Clamps producer
ATEX approved Stainless Steel Hand Clamp
Tags:semi- permanent connection clamp, C clamp, C-Clamps, stainless steel cable clamps, Stainless Steel Hand Clamp
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